Joselyn Acquisition Team Photo - Dave Gill Chevy

We Will Buy Your Car!
Shop Dave Gill Chevrolet Today

Do you want to sell a car in Ohio but don’t know where to start? Let our Chevrolet dealer in Columbus help! Our Dave Gill Buying Center is devoted exclusively to helping you sell a car for cash quickly and easily. It doesn't matter whether you intend to use the vehicle as a trade-in toward a new Chevy Silverado or Traverse or simply sell it outright. With the continued vehicle shortage, we're eager to add your car to our inventory of high-quality, reliable used cars for sale in Ohio. We offer the convenience and transparency to make selling a car a great experience, because we put YOU in the driver's seat! Have questions?

How Do I Sell a Car in Columbus to Dave Gill Chevrolet?

Our process begins with Joselyn Rivera, Director of Dave Gill's Buying Center. An experienced professional buyer, Joselyn coordinates our vehicle acquisition operations and is driven to find win-win solutions with Ohio Chevy fans trying to get the best trade-in value for their car or truck. Joselyn will work with you directly to tailor a customized cash offer for your vehicle, with support from a team of professional appraisers who closely track Ohio used car sales data to ensure your offer is aligned with current market conditions.

To start the process, simply contact Joselyn directly either by phone (614-999-5138) or email ( She will answer any initial questions you might have about how we calculate vehicle valuations and what paperwork is involved when we come to an agreement. Next, Joselyn will schedule an in-person vehicle appraisal so that our certified Chevy service technicians can closely review your car's condition and adjust your trade-in estimate as necessary. We'll then consult with you on a final price offer that's tailored to your vehicle, being sure to explain the supporting data we used to arrive at a valuation.

When you agree to sell us your car, we provide the paperwork necessary to complete the transaction, including paying off your car if you have an existing lien. You'll get a check from us the same day if the vehicle you're selling has a clear title. Want to sell a car online, rather than visit our Columbus Chevy dealer? Joselyn and our used car sales team will be pleased to work with you remotely. Simply text your vehicle's VIN and odometer reading to Joselyn to get started, and we'll present you with an offer in 10 minutes!

Why Sell a Car at Dave Gill Chevrolet?

If you are a seller, especially in this market, you have a lot of choices when it comes to finding the right buyer for your used car in Columbus. Our clients have said they elected to work with the Dave Gill Chevrolet Buying Center because we offered a better experience compared to online car sales websites and other local car selling options. Some other benefits of working with the Dave Gill Chevrolet sales and buying teams include:

  • Convenience. We take pride in a fast, efficient process designed to minimize hassles normally faced by sellers. We handle all of your paperwork and ensure fast, reliable payment you can bank on 100% of the time!
  • Engagement. As a full-service Chevrolet dealership in Columbus, you can count on our team to be completely focused on your priorities as a seller. Joselyn and her team will give you their full attention even if you don't plan on trading in and trading up to a new Chevy truck or SUV. 
  • Transparency. We believe in win-win outcomes for both buyer and seller, and we know that trust is integral to any car purchase -- whether it's us buying a car from you or you choosing to buy a new Chevy from us. That's why we take the time to share all the information that we use to evaluate your car.
  • Sincerity. We take you seriously as a seller, irrespective of whether you are also in the market to BUY a car at the same time. We are serious, professional, and detail-oriented when it comes to helping you get the best offer you can for your vehicle.

To learn more about how to sell a car for cash in Columbus or to talk with one of our auto sales experts about how to buy a Chevy online, contact Dave Gill Chevrolet by filling out the form below. Our team will be happy to guide you through the online car buying process or connect you with Joselyn for more information on how to sell a car to a dealership. Whether you need to buy, sell or finance a Chevy in Ohio, we're here to help!

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